Writer's Workshop

We had a fun Friday in Room 203. We began the day by collecting homework and taking care of our morning activities. After HWT and Road to Reading, we had our first Writer's Workshop. Students got a chance to show off their writing and drawing skills by creating a narrative theme with a beginning, a middle, and an end. It sounds tough, but we gave a strong effort to make pictures, draw letters and words, and tell what happened over three pages. I will use this as a baseline to see writing growth throughout the unit. I'm happy that our students were excited to write and tried their best! We had a short snack time before going to Spanish and P.E. Sra. Colmenero had us studying more about the weather. Mr. S had us play some games in P.E., including "Acivator/Deactivator." When we got back to our room, we finished up and added to our stories.

After lunch, we recited "Three Men in a Tub" and had math. We played counting games, a dice game, and found hidden partners in number arrays using cubes. For example, with 5, 2 and 3 are hidden partners. Since we didn't go out in the morning, we had an afternoon recess next. To end the day, we had music with Mr. Ricker. We sang songs, used rhythm sticks, and had fun. Then we got our Friday Folders and packed up for home. Have a great weekend!

Please note that Picture Day forms are stapled in your child's Friday Folder. Return them next week. Our picture day will be on Friday, September 30th.
