The Letter B

We had a really good Monday in Room 203. We began the day by collecting Friday Folders and taking care of our regular morning activities, which include attendance, sorting lunches, calendar, the alphabet song, and our poem of the week. We also met our new student, Yahkid, who is now a part of Team 203. That now makes our class 9 boys and 7 girls for a total of 16 students, which is still a wonderful number. After introductions and sharing about our weekends, we made the tactile page "Beans on 'B's on a Balloon." They look neat! We also read "My 'B' Book" and brainstormed some "B" words. We will focus on the letter "B" and the "b" sounds all week! We had snack and recess before visiting Ms. Sundquist for Art. The class made moving lines and got to use markers to make pictures related to "Harold and the Purple Crayon."

After lunch, we learned our new poem of the week, "Three Men in a Tub." We also talked about a new positive reward system we will start this week called Super Star Sticks. We went to Music with Miss Hanson and used different voices, made animal sounds, and listened to Teddy. When we got back, we had math. We did some sunrise/sunset and rekenrek counting before sorting items vertically by count up to five. Next, we had a  quick science lesson outside, where we used prisms to bend light and make rainbows. It was fun!  We had a short recess, too. Then we packed up our things, passed out homework, read a story, played "Mr. Ricker Says," and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to look over homework packets for the week. See me or contact me if you have any questions. Oh, and don't forget those library books tomorrow!
