The Letter C

We had a happy Monday back in Room 203. We began the day by collecting Friday Folders and taking care of our morning activities, including introducing Super Star Sticks and finding Zero Heroes for the twentieth day of school. After Road to Reading, we read "My 'C' Book" and brainstormed some words that start with "C." We also made the tactile page "Cotton on 'C's on a Cloud" using crayons, cotton balls, and wet glue. They look cool!  After snack and recess, we had Art with Ms. Sundquist. She had the class use their smocks and paint for the first time. A couple of us still need our smocks, so please send them in ASAP.

After lunch, we recited our new poem "Hickory, Dickory Dock." I also showed the class our new "All About Me" project that we will work on at home. Instructions and a booklet went home with your child today. Next, we had Music. Mrs. Hanson had the class work on loud and soft voices, along with listening to Teddy.  When we got back to Room 203, we had math. We worked on counting dots an spaces, finger counting, hidden partners, and circular and scatter counting to 5. We had enough time to get to the Computer Lab for our Monday time, so we worked on Lexia Learning Core 5 skills for awhile before passing out homework and packing up for home.  We ended the day by singing to Addison and celebrating her birthday. She even passed out a goody bag to everyone to take home. Happy Birthday Addison!

Be sure to check over homework packets. I've included our first At-Home project, the "All About Me" book in your child's folder. Help your child write and illustrate (draw, add stickers or photographs) the book and practice reading it. Students will get to share their books with the class. "All About Me" books are due Wednesday, October 12th, but can be turned in earlier if  they are neat and complete. See me if you have questions or concerns. Let's have a great week!
