Our First Friday

We had a fun first Friday in kindergarten.  We began our day by unpacking our homework, lunches, and listening to our morning announcements. We updated the calendar and reviewed our plan for the day. We read two books: "School" and "Safety City"and discussed different street signs lights. We looked most closely at a stoplight. We learned a poem about a stoplight that helps us remember what each color means. Then we made our own stoplight by cutting and pasting a red, yellow and green circle onto a stoplight shape. They look cute! During the morning we also had a fire drill. The entire school practiced what to do in case the fire alarm goes off. The students in Room 203 did a fantastic job! When we came back, we went over some class rules and started a mini-book that we will finish next week. We also went to Spanish and P.E.

After lunch, we reviewed some two dimensional shapes. We also tried to find them hiding in a "bouncy" snake that we made. We had some circle time and social play, too. We ended the day by playing "Red Light, Green Light" on the playground and having recess. It really was a beautiful afternoon.  Then we packed up our Friday Folders (which are full of work and notices) in our backpacks, got a special prize for a great first week, and lined up for home. Have a fantastic three-day weekend!  See you on Tuesday!


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