The Letter C

We had a nice Monday back in Room 203.  We spent our morning learning about the letter "C." We read "My 'C' Book," brainstormed words that start with "C," and used crayons, glue, and cotton balls to make the tactile page "Cotton on 'C's on a Cloud." We continued learning about private and partner reading, looked at "Three Billy Goats Gruff" at read aloud, and had Reader's Workshop time. We were interrupted by another fire drill today during phonics, but did a great job lining up and getting out of the building safely. After snack and recess, we continued building on how to solve problems when writing during "Writer's Workshop.

After lunch, we learned "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" (our poem of the week), read "Mrs. Wishy Washy," and sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." In math, we identified numbers to 5 and found hidden partners that make 5 (for example: 2 and 3). For science, we had a smelling experiment. We tried to identify the mystery smells that were inside a balloon using our noses, nasal cavities, and brains. We smelled mint, vanilla, lemon, and coconut. Fun!  We ended the day with Spanish and P.E. Then we passed out homework and lined up for home.

Let's have a great week!
