Partner Reading

We had a rainy Tuesday morning in Room 203.  We spent the beginning of it working on neat "C" handwriting and phonics. In Reader's workshop, we looked at rereading. We read by ourselves and with a partner. We read "Three Billy Goats Gruff" and practiced more phonics skills, too. After snack and recess, we focused on thinking before we write. Since we had just been there, we thought about the playground before trying to draw and write about it. That helped us a lot!

After recess, we reviewed "Hickory, Dickory, Dock," had a shared reading of Mrs. Wishy Washy," and sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." In math, we made some circular and scattered number configurations before practicing those counting skills. Lastly, we read more about the five senses before starting a good and bad smell page. We will finish it tomorrow. We ended the day with Music and Spanish. Then we packed up and headed for home!

Be sure to bring in library books tomorrow!
