More Still Life

We had a busy Thursday in Room 2. We began th day with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read Sam's favorite book "Bang! Boom! Roar!" and wrote a friendly letter to Sam, our Star of the Week. At Music, Mr. B had the class play "What makes that sound?" and Punchinella. After recess, we had math. We introduced chapter 12 on three dimensional shapes. We went over vocabulary and some of the shapes we are already familiar with.

After lunch, we reviewed sight words, recited "Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone," and had art. We continued our study of color and extended last week's lesson with more still life. We used our understanding of shapes to draw a vase of flowers in pencil. Then we used oil pastels to outline and add color. Finally, we filled in the open spaces with watercolor paints. They came out great! For Star of the Week, Sam shared some nice family photographs. After P.E. On the big yard, we said goodbye to our butterflies. They seemed to be getting anxious to fly, so we set them free in the school garden. They all flew out very quickly! Then we packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.

Don't forget to finish and check over homework for tomorrow!
