The Letter G

We had quite a busy Monday in Room 2. We began our day by collecting Friday Folders and having Nutrition. Then we updated the calendar and had morning activities. We read "My G Book" and brainstormed several "G" words. At language arts rotations, students made the tactile page "Glitter on 'G's on a Goldfish. They really enjoyed the magic of the colorful glitter sticking to the glue "g"s!  My groups took the Topic 3 test in math and worked on neat "G" handwriting. The other groups had secret centers. After recess, we learned our new poem "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," did some rhyming, and had math. We used unifix cubes to make AB and AAB patterns. It was a bit challenging, but certainly helpful for the class.

After lunch, we read "I Am an Apple." We will be talking about apples a lot this week, so we made "Apple Guy" or "Apple Girl." We had to color the eyes, mouth, stem, hands, and feet first. Then we cut out the pieces, chose our apple color, and glued them on. The trickiest part is the arms and legs. You need to fold them back and forth to get them to bounce just right. We had afternoon snack and P.E. on the kindergarten yard before coming in for art with Ms. Maria and Ms. Karla. They had us begin part one of a secret project for Thanksgiving. Students also had free draw or finished apple guy or apple girl. Then we packed up, handed out homework, and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!

Don't forget to check over homework packets this week. And remember that "All About Me" books are due next Tuesday, October 7th!  Finally, it would be helpful if students could bring in an apple or two to help with this week's activities. Thanks!
