"Short E" and Art with Ms. Maria

It was a very hot Monday outside Room 2. We began our day with Nutrition for the first time. Students turned in Friday Folders, put their backpacks away, and started the day with a healthy breakfast (or snack). I know it's a bit of a change, but it will work out just fine. We came in and took care of the calendar and our morning activities before reading "My E Book." We came up with several "E" words, with an emphasis on the "short e" sound, as in egg or elephant. At language arts rotations, students made the tactile page "Easter Grass on 'E's on an Elephant." It was tricky (and a little messy) to try and glue the Easter grass on, but we did our best. My groups read "We Can" and practiced neat "E" handwriting. The other groups had their last secret center of this rotation. After (just) recess (no snack at this time now), we learned our new poem "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" and had math. We reviewed the main ideas of Topic 2 (more, fewer, ordinal numbers) and then introduced Topic 3: Six to Ten.

At lunch we celebrated Kaia's birthday with her family. Everyone sang, and then enjoyed a rice crispy treat and a cold drink. Happy birthday, Kaia! After lunch, we read "Happy Birthday Hamster" and sang "Wake Up Toes." Then we looked at our families big book and recited a family rhyme and talked about what families do. After getting some good ideas, students wrote something that families do and drew a picture. We read another book, "Pete the Cat Plays Ball," and then had indoor snack and recess because of the extreme heat. To end the day, we had art with Ms. Maria and Miss Karla. The class did a project with colors, using eye droppers and paint to make a cool color design. We also had some free draw. Then we packed up, passed out homework packets and our art projects from last week, and lined up for home.  Let's have a great week!

Be sure to check over homework for the week. It includes an At-Home project that is due on Tuesday, October 7th. See me if you have any questions!
