Tech Lab, a Cupcake Party, and Reading Buddies

We had a fast Tuesday in Room 2. We began with Nutrition and morning activities. Then we read "Gorilla, Be Good!" and came up with more "G" words. At language arts rotations, students completed a "g" phonics cut and paste and wrote "g" words. My groups took the Topic 3 math test and practiced "G" handwriting. The other groups had their last secret center of this rotation. After recess, we had Tech Lab. Mr. Scott had us work on identifying letters. We played "Alphabet Match," "Uppercase and Lowercase Match," and "ABC Order." When we returned to Room 2, we recited "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" and had a guest lesson with Ms. Katz. She talked to the class about personal space.

After lunch, Miss Amber read a story to the class. Then she had students come up with words that start with "G" in four categories: food, animals, names, and places. It went well!  We did an apple maze before our cupcake party.  We earned a cupcake party from the PTA for having such a high number of "sprinkles," or participation. Thank you to everyone that joined the PTA! Students enjoyed their chocolate or vanilla cupcake before ending the day with Reading Buddies. Our friends from Room 19 stopped by and looked at books with us. Then we put up our chairs, packed up, and had a quick game of "Mr. Ricker Says" before lining up for home!
