The Letter Y

Welcome back!  I hope that everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! We had a nice first day back in Room 203. We spent our morning learning about the letter "Y." We read "Y is for Yak" and used crayons, glue, and yarn to make the tactile page "Yarn on 'Y's on a Yo-Yo." We also had Reader's Workshop. Later, we read the next part of "My 'X, Y, Z' Book," brainstormed "Y' words, and practiced good "Y" handwriting and sentences. After snack and recess, we learned our new sight words (her, take, from, what, thank), recited our new poem ("Yankee Doodle"), read "Not Norman" for read aloud, and shared what we did over Spring Break.

After lunch, we had math. We reviewed numbers, found ways to make 9, and then made number bonds with 9. Keep practicing at home!  We also had Math Workshop and decorated a seed and plant picture that we will finish tomorrow. Finally, we introduced Nora as our new Star of the Week. She shared her cool poster and took questions from the class. We ended the day with Spanish and P.E. When we got back, we looked over our new homework packets, passed our awards for an all-green March, and packed up for home. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to check over packets for the week. Please turn in any field trip permission slips or forms ASAP. Thanks!
