The Letter K

We had a great Monday back in room 203. We began our day by collecting Friday Folders and taking care of our morning activities which include: unpacking, sorting lunches, the Pledge and BeyeLaws, and updating our calendar and poem of the week. We also had to look for Zero Heroes since it was the 60th day of school. Our handwriting activity was to use crayons, glue, and kidney beans to make the tactile page "Kidney Beans on 'K's on a Kite." They look cool!  Next we got into our new Road to Reading groups. When we got back, we practiced forming neat "K"s and writing sentences using "K" words. After snack and recess, we had Art. Ms. Sundquist had the class finish their Mondrian pictures and work on making tracings. It was fun!

After lunch, we recited our new poem "Georgie Porgie" and had Miles share his Ethnicity Doll project. Remember that they're due this Wednesday! In Music, the class played musical Bingo with Mrs. Hansen. For math, we practiced number fluency before building number stairs with a partner. We also worked on adding "one more." To end the day, we went to the Computer Lab to focus on LexiaCore5 skills. Then we packed up, reviewed our weekly homework, and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to look over homework packets for the week. Ethnicity Doll projects are due this Wednesday. They should include a decorated doll, written sentences, and be ready to read and share with the class.  Also, picture retakes are on Wednesday. See the blue note attached to the homework packet for more info. Lastly, please return field trip slips by Friday if you have not already.
