Types of Weather

We had a good Thursday in Room 2. We began the day with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read "A Windy Day" and "A Rainy Day," despite it being a beautiful day. At language arts rotations, students wrote a friendly letter to Caleb, our Star of the Week. My groups tried to write a weather poem in our kindergarten journals. We did our best to rhyme words in an AABB pattern. They're very cute!  The other groups had their first secret center of this rotation. They include: Making a collage at the Art Center, playing games at PlanetBravo.com/thirdstreet at the Computer Center, listening to "Rain, Rain, Everywhere" by Christine Leeson at the Listening Center, subtraction practice at the Math Center, and using Legos, Lincoln Logs, and puzzles at the Play Center. After recess, we recited "This Little Piggy," and had math. We worked on comparing lengths again. We found the longest and shortest objects in a group of three.

After lunch, we worked on our Treasures theme of Weather. We discussed different kinds of weather. Then we made a neat project that included several types of weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, and icy. They look pretty cool!  During this time, we met the new nurse at our school. She did a vision test with each child. When most of us were done, we stopped to have Star of the Week. Caleb shared some nice family photographs. Then we had P.E. on the kindergarten yard using hula hoops and frisbees. To end the day, we finished our weather projects and played some sight word bingo. Then we cleaned up and packed up for home.

Don't forget to finish up and check over homework for tomorrow!
