
We had a day without Mr. Ricker on Thursday. I had a professional development meeting, so Mr. Rios substituted for me. Our plans were to take care of our morning business and to read "Farm Animals." Then we had an "S Blend" worksheet and wrote sentences. Afterwards, we went to the auditorium to see the fourth grade perform "Annie." After snack and recess, we recited "Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star" and had math. We used our homemade clocks to tell time to the hour. Then we read times on both digital and analog clocks.

After lunch, we read "A Horse Grows Up" and made our own horse art. We had P.E. on the kindergarten yard next. Then we ended the day by making a picture with a horse and its foal that flipped back and forth. It looked like the foal was following its parent. Then we packed up and headed for home!  I hope that everyone had a good day!
