Animal Reports, S Blends, and Emerging Butterflies!

We had a fun and busy Monday in Room 2. We began our day collecting Friday Folders and taking care of morning business. Several students brought in their Animal Report & Diorama projects a day early, so the class was interested in checking them out. We also noted that four butterflies emerged from their chrysalis over the weekend. They were very active throughout the day, crawling and flapping their wings. We intend to release them at the end of the day tomorrow. Anyway, then we read "Stan the Pest" and brainstormed some "st" and "sn" words. At language arts rotations, students found the missing "s blend" and wrote sentences using the "st, sm, sk, and  sl" blends. My groups read "Rosie's Walk" and made a memory game. The other groups had secret centers. After snack and recess, we learned our new poem "Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star." Then we shared Katie's (grey wolf), Sua's (American Standard Bred Horse), and Joanna's (Panda) Animal projects.

After lunch, we shared more projects: Penelope (Pacific Harbor Seal), Joel (Killer Whale), and Quinn (Platypus). Then we read the book "Hedgie's Surprise" and completed a chicken and duck egg page that included odd and even numbers. Afterwards, we had a little extra free time since we don't have a Star of the Week. We went out for P.E. on the kindergarten yard, using jump ropes and bouncy balls. When we came in, we shared Jakob's (Shark) and Abbie's (Bottlenose Dolphin) Animal reports. Mrs. Navarrette stopped by next to help us practice a song and a dance for culmination. Then we packed up our things, reviewed the homework, and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to check over our final homework packet of the year. Most importantly, Animal Report & Diorama projects are due TOMORROW. Also, included in the homework is a yearbook survey, plus a permission slip and transportation waiver for our end of the year picnic. Please fill all of them out and return by Friday. If you think you can be a driver, see me or the sign up sheet posted on the class door. Thanks!
