All About Me

We had a busy Wednesday in Room 203. We began the day by collecting our "All About Me" books and taking care of our morning activities. After HWT and Road to Reading, we shared some of those projects. Students got to read, present and take questions and comments from the class. It's nice to learn about each other, and also see students shine while sharing. After snack and recess, we read "The Enormous Elephant Show" and brainstormed more "e" words. We also watched the story "Elmer" about a very colorful and interesting patchwork elephant. While students worked on finding "Short E" words during ELA Workshop, I pulled groups to write a word to describe Elmer and then use glue and colorful tissue squares to make our own Elmer pictures. They look cool!

After lunch, we recited "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" and shared more "All About Me' books. I also asked students to try and write the numbers to 100, just to see where we are at right now. We ended the day with Second Step. Ms. J.C. and Mrs. Z helped teach the class about feelings. We learned how to spot someone that is happy or sad. We even got to practice our own happy and sad faces!  Then we packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.
