More with Y

A longer, but more productive than usual, Tuesday in Room 2. We started with our morning business, which included finding "zero heroes" for our 120th day of kindergarten. Then we read "The Yak That Yelled Yuck" and brainstormed more "Y" words. At language arts rotations, students worked on "Y" phonics and writing sentences with "Y" words. At my table, we took the math Topic 11 test and read Sam and Mat book 7. Our other groups started our new secret centers, which include: Teeth art at the art center, games at the computer center, subtraction practice at the math center, new blocks and gears at the play center, and writing sentences in "My Tooth Word Book" at the writing center.  After snack (which included a zero hero treat) and recess, we had Tech Lab. Mr. Riko had the class read stories and play games at  When we got back, we recited "Yankee Doodle," did some rhyming, and practiced sight words.

After lunch, we read two books: "Loose Tooth" and "The Tooth Fairy" before finishing our project from yesterday. We took our sequenced mini-book and wrote sentences about what happened in each picture of the story. We gave a very good effort using our word wall to write.  After that, we had Star of the Week. Luke shared some toys with the class. He brought in a soft penguin, a Hex Bug game, and another insect toy. They class liked them a lot!  Room 19 stopped by for Reading Buddies later. Then we went out for P.E. on the kindergarten yard. To end the day, we had math. We compared objects by length, looking for longer and shorter. Some students even had time to measure objects using unifix cubes. Then we packed up and lined up for home.
