Back to School Breakfast

Today was Third Street School's annual Back to School Breakfast. It was nice to see so many parents stop by room 2 and learn about our class. Hopefully, you feel more informed about kindergarten and the year ahead.

After the presentation ended, we got back to work. We were able to finish our centers and "d" cut and paste phonics activity before snack. After recess, we went to the Tech Lab and tried something new. Mr Riko had students use the "yum stickers" at and label the fruits and vegetables using the keyboard. It was challenging, to be sure, but many were up to it!  After lunch, we used ordinal numbers to fifth to order ladybugs, color ducks, and circle objects in math. We didn't have much time left, so we read a book about family and wrote family words before having some P.E. on the kindergarten yard. It was a fun day!
