Apple Tree! Apple Tree!

Our Monday went pretty quickly today.  We began the day by introducing the letter of the week, "E," reading "My E Book,"  and brainstorming words with the "short E" sound, as in egg or elephant. We made a tactile page, "Easter Grass on Es on an Elephant " during our rotations. We also had groups illustrate "The Little Red House," take a math assessment, and go to secret centers.  After snack and recess, we started Topic 3: Six to Ten in math by building, writing, and identifying 6 and 7.

After lunch, we practiced our new poem "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" and worked on rhyming. We read the book"How Do Apples Grow?" and reviewed what we know about apples. Then we made an Apple Tree picture by cutting out grass, leaves, a trunk, and then rolling up tissue paper and gluing it on to represent apples.  We played "Duck, Duck, Goose" at P.E. and had some free recess before singing "I'm a Little Teapot," passing out homework folders and going home. I think we got a lot done!
