
We had a bee-utiful Friday. The class and our room parents started the day by presenting me with some class gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you so much! I especially like the homemade ties! Next, Reid told us a couple of funny jokes and we wrote him a friendly letter for Star of the Week. It was G is for Game Day, so we spent some time playing games with friends, too.  We read "bees" and learned a little about bees before we went out for snack and recess. When we came back in, we reviewed all 110 sight words, recited "Bedtime," and read "Buz." We worked in our HWT books, too.

The sun came out at lunch and made it a wonderful afternoon. We had some quick math on making 10 before reading "The Happy Bee" and creating our own bee. We used black and yellow paper to make a bee with stripes, antennae, and wings. They're very cute! We also got some more workshop and game time. We ended the day in P.E. and Music. Then we packed up Friday Folders, awarded prizes for twenty super star sticks, and headed home.

Have a great weekend!
