Field Trip to KidSpace

Room 2 took a field trip on Friday to the KidSpace Museum!  We started our day at Third Street by collecting homework and taking care of our morning business. Ryker read some of his bird book and we took a quick bathroom break before we broke into teams for the trip. The bus ride was fine, but students were very excited to get to KidSpace. After checking in and getting instructions (or passing the rules quiz), we got into our small groups and started to explore.  There were many things to see in the physics forest area, inside the building, and beyond the amphitheater! We had lunch around 11:00 A.M. Then we got to explore a little more before having our class on butterflies. Students got to learn all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We ended the class by making handprints and turning them into a large caterpillar. After a little extra play time and a bathroom break, we headed for the bus. Upon our arrival at Third Street, we played on the kindergarten for a few minutes. We we went in, we had Star of the Week. Ryker had us estimate leaves. There were 47. Jakob made the best guess of 50. Then we passed out green certificates, got our things, and headed for home. Have a great weekend!

Also, I like to give a BIG thanks to all of the parents that helped chaperone on our trip!  We hope that you had a wonderful day!
