The Letter L

We began our Monday by finding our new seats on the carpet. The carpet had been cleaned, too, and you could really tell the difference. We went through the calendar, alphabet, and morning exercise routine before reading "My L Book."  We came up with several "L" words and got ready for language arts rotations. Students did the tactile page "Licorice on Ls on a Lollipop." At my table we read "Am I?" and practiced "L" handwriting. They should be easy to do this week, so make sure they're perfectly straight on your homework. Other groups went to secret centers.  After snack and recess, we had math. We worked on drawing groups of ten and then counting by tens to one hundred. Please practice this skill with your child.

After lunch, we recited our poem of the week "Mary Had a Little Lamb." We also introduced a new social studies topic: Native Americans. We learned that they were the first Americans. We also learned that they were farmers and they grew corn, beans, and squash. We made our own corn in a husk art, gluing actual corn kernals in the small spaces. Next up was Star of the Week.  Basia shared her beautiful poster and took questions and comments from the class. Next, we had P.E. on the kindergarten yard.  To end the day, we read two books on transportation and named our favorite kind of transportation. Then we packed up, put up our chairs, and lined up for home.

Please note that there is an addition to the weekly homework packet. On Monday, students are asked to complete a "Dolch Words" worksheet. This page is intended to help build our sight word vocabulary. Read the five words on front, then fill in the sentences with the appropriate word. On the back, have your child read the sentence to you. Check the box if they can. If they can't try again later in the week, or circle words that they CAN read. Don't spend too long on this assignment. It's not intended to be overly difficult, but rather a gauge of their reading ability and a means to recognize and learn new words.  See me if you have any questions or concerns...
