The Water Cycle
We had a great Friday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting homework, having Nutrition, and taking care of our morning activities. Then we read "Rain" and discussed how it rains and the water cycle. At language arts rotations, students made water cycle "wheels" that illustrate the journey that water continually makes. My groups wrote final draft versions of our weather poems. The other groups began our new secret centers. They include: Coloring a rainbow with twist crayons at the Art Center, playing LexiaCore5 reading games at the Computer Center, practicing addition at the Math Center, using blocks, ocean animals, and Lego at the Play Center, and composing sentences in an "All About Plants" mini-book at the Writing Center. After recess, we visited our friends in Room 21. Ms. Yuki led the class in several songs before we played together.
After lunch, we reviewed sight words, recited "Humpty Dumpty," and read "All About Weather." Then we created some weather art that displayed sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, and icy weather. We did a really nice job! For Star of the Week, Karma had the class estimate puff balls. The class made guesses between 8 and 99. There were 20 puff balls, Bishop guessed it exactly! Then we had a popcorn party. We munched on a cup of popcorn and watched "The Magic School Bus Kicks Up a Storm." Then we passed out prizes for twenty Super Star Sticks before having P.E. on the kindergarten yard. We switched our schedule a bit since several students were invited to a silly string party for donating to the Walk-A-Thon and we didn't want them to miss out on the popcorn party. To end the day, we packed up our Friday Folders, Stella read us a story, and we gave out certificates for an all-green week. Have a fantastic weekend!
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