The Letter T
We had a productive Monday back in Room 2. We began the day by collecting Friday Folders and having Nutrition inside. Then we took care of our morning activities. Next we read "My 'T' Book" and tried to list some "T" words. At language arts rotations, students worked on neat "T" handwriting and sentences. They also used crayons, glue and toothpicks to make the tactile page "Toothpicks on 'T's on a Tomato." My groups took the chapter 6 math test and wrote rhyming sentences in our "Bears, Bears, Everywhere" mini-books. The other groups had secret centers. After a brisk recess, we had math. We worked on taking apart numbers from 11 to 15.
After lunch, we learned our new poem "Polly Put the Kettle On" and had art. Ms. Maria and Ms. Karla had the class have free draw with markers. We had a short P.E. on the kindergarten yard before reading "Go to Sleep Groundhog!" Then we matched pictures to sentences that describe what a groundhog does on February 2. For Star of the Week, we introduced Jayden. He shared his cool poster and took questions from the class. To end the day, we had Reading Buddies. Actually, it was more like "Recess Buddies." We met our friends from Room 19 to play with on the big yard. They have a field trip tomorrow, so we met with them today. Then we packed up, passed out homework, and lined up for home.
Be sure to check over homework packets for the week. Please return permission slips and money for our field trip this week, if you haven't already. Also, I've included a class list should you want to personalize Valentine's Day cards or treats for next week's party.
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