S Blends, Orcas, and Dolphins

We had a nice Monday back in Room 2.  We began the day by collecting Friday Folders and having Nutrition outside. Then we read "Stan the Pest" and brainstormed "st" and "sn" words. At language arts rotations, students worked on "sk" and "st" phonics and sentences. My groups read Sam and Mat book #12 and had some subtraction practice. The other groups had their first secret center of this rotation. They include: Drawing with markers at the Art Center, games at Starfall.com and PBSKids.com, Creating shapes with tangrams at the Math Center, Building with Legos, Magni-tiles, and Lincoln Logs at the Play Center, and Creating sentences with sentence strips and sight words at the Writing Center. After recess, we had Star of the Week. We introduced Miss Esther as our Star of the Week. She shared her awesome poster and took questions from the class. Then we learned our new sight words of the week, recited "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and had math. We worked on building with solid shapes.

After lunch, we continued our theme of "Amazing Creatures" and the ocean. We reviewed what we know and then read a book called "Killer Whales." Then students made their own killer whale, or orca, using black and white paper. We practiced our songs for culmination and had P.E. on the kindergarten yard next. When we came in, we read "Dolphins" and painted dolphin pictures by mixing tempera paint. They look nice. Then we cleaned up, packed up, and passed out homework packets. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to look over homework packets. There is a yearbook survey for students to complete, and a permission slip and transportation waiver for parents to fill out for our end of the year picnic. Try to return of of these with your homework on Friday. Thanks!
