More Animal Reports
We had a very productive Thursday in Room 2. We began our day with Nutrition outside and our morning business. Then Ziggy's mom read the book "The Bravest Fish" to the class. At language arts rotations, students wrote a friendly letter to Aaron, our Star of the Week. My groups read Sam and Mat book #11 and wrote the numbers from 1-100. The other groups had the last secret center of this rotation. After recess, we practiced sight words, recited "Jack Sprat," and had math. We worked on making shapes using other shapes. For instance, we were able to make hexagons using two trapezoids. Students used shape blocks to help.
After lunch, we shared the rest of the Animal Report & Diorama projects. The class really did a wonderful job! They will stay on display through our culmination ceremony. We also read a book called "Tropical Fish" and learned the parts of a fish. We had to stay inside because of the rain, so we had some choose time instead of P.E. To end the day, we had Star of the Week. Aaron shared some very nice family photographs. Then we packed up and lined up for home.
Don't forget to finish up and check over homework for tomorrow!
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