Tacky the Penguin

We had a busy Wednesday in Room 2. We began the day inside with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read "Rosie Rabbit's Radish" and came up with more "R" words.  At language arts rotations, students worked on "r" phonics and sentences. We're trying to write sentences without "I" in them this week. My groups read "Sam and Mat" book #2 and then read with a partner. The other groups had their first secret center of this rotation. They include: Drawing animals with oil pastels at the Art Center, playing games at the Computer Center, listening to "Big Bear, Little Bear" by David Bedford at the Listening Center, doing some bear subtraction practice at the Math Center, and using animals, soft blocks, and magni-tiles at the Play Center.  After recess, we had math. We worked on finding differences by subtracting.

After lunch, we reviewed our sight words, recited "Jack and Jill," and had a music and movement activity. We also read "Penguin Chick" and discussed what we know about penguins. Then students wrote two to four sentences independently. Then we read "Tacky the Penguin" and designed and painted a tacky shirt for Tacky. They look cool!  For Star of the Week, Ethan shared some cool toys. He brought in a robot dog named Bentley, some wizard cards, and a Star Wars Mad Libs book. At P.E., Coach Angel had the class learn the basics of croquet. Neat, huh?  To end the day, we listened to two stories in the library with Mrs. Singh. Then we put up our chairs, packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.
