The First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the first day of kindergarten!  We started the day in the auditorium. Dr. Oh made some introductions and announcements before I read the names of all the students in our class.  Then we went to Room 2 and had a quick kindergarten orientation. The students were very patient the whole time! After we said goodbye to mom and dad, we read a book called "Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!"  We also colored in a picture to say how we felt. When they finished, students got to see and use some of the books, puzzles, blocks, and other manipulatives we have in the class. They also started talking and making friends. Recess came next. Mr. A introduced himself and showed students how to play safely on the yard. When we came back in, we read "Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten." We also talked about colors and tried to match colors to pictures.

After lunch, we finished up the color match and looked at more books and puzzles. We learned our song of the Week, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and practiced our ABCs. Since we had Mr. A in our room this afternoon, we had him read his favorite Pete the Cat book. Then we played "Follow the Leader" and took a tour around the room. Next, we toured the school, stopping at the office, Tech Lab, Library, and more. Basically, we're trying to get more familiar with our environment. We stopped to play on the big yard and get some drinks, too. When we got back, we started our self portrait project. We drew our face in pencil and colored it in with crayons. We will finish the rest of the project tomorrow. After cleaning up, we sang a song called "Wake Up Toes."  Then we lined up to go home. What a great first day!

Be sure to look over the homework packets for the week! Don't forget to fill out your "Homework for Parents" and return it in the purple folder on Friday. See me if you have any questions!
