Tech Lab and Reading Buddies!

We began our day with several students bring in their "All About Me" books. I'm taking that as a good sign! We went through our calendar and morning activities, including the whole A-Z phonetic alphabet. Then we read "Hide-and-Seek Hippo" before brainstorming more "h" words. During language arts rotations, students did a cut and paste "H" worksheet independently, read "We Can" and did "H" handwriting with me, and had secret centers. After snack and recess, we went to the Tech Lab. Mr. Riko introduced us to, where we played a game called "Keyboard Climber." Here, students used TWO hands to try and find and then type letters so that their monkey would climb up. Most students made it to the clouds, several made it to outer space, and one student, Ryker, finished the whole game!  It was a fun way to learn some basic typing skills.

When we returned, we practiced "Pease Porridge Hot" and did some rhyming. Then we shared our "All About Me" projects. Since we had so many brought in early, we skipped math for the day. Don't worry, we'll get it done tomorrow!  To end the day, we had Reading Buddies with Mr. Bassett's fourth grade class. We went to Room 19 this time to read. It was a nice end to a good day.  Don't forget to finish up "All About Me" books and bring them in tomorrow if you haven't already!
