Big Pumpkins!

Another busy Wednesday in Room 2!  We began the day with calendar and morning business. Then we read two stories: "K is for Kangaroo" and "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt." During language arts rotations, we worked on a Kangaroo Kite "K" phonics page.  My table wrote sentences about leaves in our journals. The other groups finished up their last secret center. We will have new centers tomorrow.  After snack and lunch, we recited the poem "Georgie Porgie" and had math. We worked on estimating, deciding about how many.

After lunch, we had Star of the Week. Aiden brought two books. We shared "If I Built a House" today. Then we cut, stuffed, and stapled our great BIG pumpkins to take home. We went to music after that. Miss Ingram had us move to the beat of a drum, sing some songs, play two musical games, and use rhythm sticks. From there, we went to Coach Angel for P.E. He had us use a mallet and play croquet. Then we went to the Library where Mr. K read us a spooky Halloween story.  We came back to the room, packed up our things, and headed for home!

Don't forget to BRING, not wear, costumes tomorrow. Our party will start at about 1:30 P.M. and last until the end of the day.  Remember that if you bring treats, be sure to have enough for all 26 students.  Thank you!
