The Walk-A-Thon!

Today was an exciting Friday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting homework, having Nutrition, and taking care of our morning activities. We read "Looking for Leprechauns" together, too. At language arts rotations, students worked on making "Potato Guy or Potato Girl." My groups wrote final drafts for our Open House writing. The other groups had secret centers. After recess, we went to Room 21 to visit our friends in Ms. Yuki's class. We sang songs and played with their toys and games.

After lunch, we reviewed sight words, recited "Yankee Doodle," and shared Stella's Science Fair project. Remember that optional projects are due by March 17. Then we started a seed and plant activity that we will finish next week. The weather was starting to look ominous, so we watched "The Magic School Bus Makes a Rainbow." We got a few minutes to play outside after packing up, but we felt the rain begin to fall, so we came back in. For Star of the Week, Lois had the class estimate peanuts. The class made guesses between 8 and 99. There were 37 peanuts. Dominic got it exactly! Next, it was finally time for the Walk-A-Thon! We walked, hopped, jogged some laps, had a "Freeze Dance" competition, and had a cup stacking contest. The class had a lot of fun!  Thank you to everyone that registered, donated, and participated this year!  We met our class goal and got 100% participation, so I will eliminate the homework packet for next week!  Hooray!  Then we got our things, passed out certificates for an all-green week, and lined up for home. Have a fantastic weekend!
