Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We had a pleasant Friday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting homework and having Nutrition outside. After morning activities, we read "A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr." and discussed why he is important to our country. At language arts rotations, students made a human rights award with Dr. King's picture on it that they can wear. It should have made it home today. My groups read "It Can Go, Go, Go" and wrote a letter to Katharine, our Star of the Week. The other groups had secret centers. After a Zero Hero treat and recess, we recited "Jack and Jill" and had math. We reviewed Topic 8 on Exploring Subtraction and introduced Topic 9 on Composing and Decomposing Numbers to 10.
After lunch, we sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and reviewed our sight words. We also looked at "Let's Read About... Martin Luther King, Jr." Then we worked with a partner to complete a rhyming page related to Dr. King. For Star of the Week, Katharine had the class estimate flower beads. There were 99 beads. Abby guessed it exactly! For P.E. we used frisbees and hula hoops on the kindergarten yard. To end the day, we completed a subtraction page with a partner and had a little choose time. Then we packed up Friday Folders, passed out prizes for earning Super Star Sticks, and awarded certificates for an all green week. Have a great three-day weekend!
Be sure to begin work on the 100 Day books this weekend. They're due on Friday, January 30th.
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