Theater and Another Popcorn Party!

We had a very nice Thursday in Room 2. We began by collecting homework and taking care of our morning activities. Then we read the story "There's a Square." At language arts rotations, students worked on coloring a bus picture and pasting in shapes that belong. My groups took the math Topic 1 assessment and wrote in our journals about shapes. The other groups had their last secret center of this rotation.  After snack and recess, we recited "Three Men in a Tub" for the last time and had math. We worked on the concepts of one more and two more.

After lunch, we went to the auditorium for theater. We had met our teacher Ms. Nichols last week, but this was our first class with her.  The students learned the rules of theater and worked on performing "Little Miss Muffet" with each student getting a chance to play a part the stage.  When we got back, we read "Look Who's Going to Kindergarten" and sang "Wake Up Toes." We went our for afternoon snack and recess next. When we got back, we had our popcorn party. The class did a very nice job earning the party in only four days. Keep it up!  We enjoyed a cup of popcorn as we watched "Harold in the the Dark."  Then we sang "Colors," packed up our Friday Folders, passed out certificates for an all-green week, and lined up for home.  Have a fantastic four-day weekend!
