Family Dolls

Another fun-filled day in room 2 this Thursday! We started the day with our regular morning business and by reading "The Colors of Us." This led into our center/rotation time where students wrote the names of family members onto foldout doll shapes. Then they decorated each "doll" with crayons. I put them onto our main bulletin board after school if you'd like to see how they turned out. We also had secret centers and wrote in our journals. After snack and recess, we finished our math work on using objects to problem solve. We'll probably review and test tomorrow before moving onto Topic 3:Numbers 6-10 next week.

After lunch, we worked on our rhyming, letter recognition, and poem of the week, "Hey Diddle, Diddle."  Then we went to the auditorium for Theater with Ms. Nichols. We worked on projecting our voices and performing "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"on the stage. Ms. Nichols had students try and act like the different characters before going on stage. They did  a nice job!  We had some P.E. time on the kindergarten yard with hula hoops and bouncy balls before ending the day with a quick apple lesson. We discussed what an apple tree needs (sun, water, soil) and did an easy cut and paste to go with it. Then we packed up and headed home. Don't forget to bring in your homework tomorrow!
