Star Eco-Station Visits Third Street

We had quite the memorable Friday in Room 2! We collected homework and zoomed through our morning business because we knew that our first visit from the Star Eco-Station was today. I read "Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr." and showed the class the project we were making. At language arts rotations, we made a Human Rights award with a picture of Dr. King and a piece of yarn to wear around our neck. They should've found their way into the Friday Folder.  After an early snack and recess, we went over to the auditorium for our class with the Eco-Station. Anna had our class, along with Mr. Duffy's class and Mrs. Lee's class, sit in a circle. She told the students what the Eco-Station does. Then she shared three animals with us: a box turtle, an American alligator, and an umbrella crusted cockatoo. All students got a chance to touch the animals and several got a chance to hold them. Our class did a great job sitting, listening, and following directions! We're definitely looking forward to next week.

After lunch, we read another one of Iris' books, "Pinkalicious."Then we had art with Ms. Maria and Miss Karla. They gave us a free art lesson.  Students got to draw anything they wanted. When we were done, we had Star of the Week. Iris had us estimate white game pieces. There were 72. The best guess was 67 by Sua!  We had P.E. out on the kindergarten yard next. When we came in, we read "My Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr." and made a mini-book that described significant moments in his life. I thought it was a good idea to talk a lot about Dr. King since we honor his birthday with a day off on Monday. Then we cleaned up and passed out awards. In addition to green certificates, several students earned prizes for accruing 20 super star sticks. Keep it up!

Have a great three-day weekend!  We'll see you on Tuesday!
