Shrek the Musical
We had a fun Thursday in Room 203. We began our day with our morning activities and our "Leprechaun, Leprechaun, What Do You See?" mini-books. After we read a book on black bears, we went to the Computer Lab to play LexiaCore5 games. When we got back, we had snack and recess. When we got back, we had ELA Workshop. Mr. Ricker had a meeting, so Mrs. Callahan substituted while wrote a friendly letter to Gavin, our Star of the Week. Students independently drew and painted a bear using pencils, oil pastels, and watercolors. We also visited another secret center. Before we went to lunch, we shared Gavin and Quinn's Leprechaun Traps.
After lunch, we reviewed our sight words and shared Zach's, Yahkid's, and Marin's Leprechaun Traps. We had a short Music with Mrs. Hansen before she took us to the auditorium to see the fourth and fifth grade perform "Shrek the Musical, Jr." They did a great job! We had a short Spanish lesson with Sra. Colmenero before returning to our room. For Star of the Week, Gavin shared some cool pictures. We ended the day sharing more Leprechaun Traps. Then we packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.
Be sure to finish those Leprechaun Traps for tomorrow, if you didn't already. And don't forget to return green homework folders, too!
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