The Digraph Sh
We had a busy and fun Monday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting Friday Folders and having Nutrition outside. Next, we took care of our morning activities. Then we read "Shelly's New Shoes" and brainstormed some "sh" words. At language arts rotations, students worked on neat "sh" handwriting and used crayons, glue, and pasta shells to make the tactile page "Shells on 'sh' on a Ship." My groups did a final draft of our Open House writing. The other groups had secret centers. After recess, we practiced our new sight words of the week, learned the poem "Come to the Window," and had math. We worked on comparing weights. We compared the weights of several objects in the room, identifying which weighed more or less.
After lunch, we read the book "Seeds" and learned about our new reading theme of "Plants." We started a projects that we will finish tomorrow by gluing seeds on a line. For our second project, we colored and cut a flower and stem. Then we folded them to emerge from a big seed. They look cute! Next we had P.E. on the kindergarten yard with hula hoops and bouncy balls. To end the day, we read "Bright Yellow Flower" and put together the flowers we sponge painted on Friday. We added soil, a seed and roots to the stem, leaves, and petals. They're very colorful! Then we packed up, passed out homework, and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!
Be sure to look over homework packets tonight. You'll find a permission slip for our second field trip of the year. Try to return them by Friday. Also, Open House is this Thursday from 5:30-6:30 P.M. We hope that everyone can attend! Science Fair projects need to be turned in by Thursday, as well. Lastly, please note that Friday is a 12:35 Minimum Day dismissal.
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