More With Sh and a Minimum Day
We had a short Friday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting homework and having Nutrition outside. Then we did a super fast version of our morning activities before letting Nathan share his Science Fair project. Traditionally, the day after Open House is a day to visit classrooms, so we took a quick tour through some kindergarten and first grade rooms. We also stopped by our reading buddies in Room 19 and a few others on the way back. At language arts rotations, students worked on more "Sh" phonics and sentences. My groups read Sam and Mat book 6 and completed a weather word page. The other groups had their first secret center of this rotation. After recess, we practiced all of our sight words from the year and recited "Come to the Window." Then there was a fire drill. We went out to the big yard and listened to Dr. Oh. It was very warm out there to say the least. Fortunately, we did a great job and the announcements were very short. When we got back, Ziggy read "Go, Dog, Go" to the class.
After lunch, Dashiell read a book to the class, I also passed our certificates for all of the nine students that participated in the Science Fair: Alexander, Anthony, Caleb, Chloe, Dashiell, Lila, Nathan, Sophia, and Stella. They all did a great job! It was a minimum day, so we packed up our Friday Folders and things for home next. We gave out some prizes for twenty super star sticks and shared Amelia and Chloe's books before passing out certificates for an all-green week. Then we got our things and lined up for home. Have a fantastic Spring Break!
Don't forget that we DO NOT have school next week. We also have Monday, April 6 off because of the Cesar Chavez holiday. We will see everyone back in Room 2 on Tuesday, April 7th. It will be a 2:30 P.M. dismissal day.
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