More R Blends and Ants

It was a busy Monday in Room 2. We began by collecting Friday Folders and taking care of our morning business. Then we read "The Trolls Take a Trip" and came up with some "Tr, Dr, Gr, and Pr" words. At language arts rotations, students looked and pictures and figured out which "r blend" (tr, dr, gr, or pr) was at the beginning of the word. Then they wrote the complete word and tried to use it in a sentence. After snack and recess, we learned our new poem "Hot Cross Buns" and had math. We discussed outside and inside before locating and drawing shapes outside and inside objects.

After lunch, we practiced our Mother's Day poem and reviewed our last topic in math. Then we read a book called "What is an Insect?" and another called "Ants." Our new them in our language arts program is "Amazing Creatures" and we will be learning about insects first. We learned that insects have 6 legs, 3 body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), 2 antennae, and an exoskelton. Then we created our own ant. Our front bulletin board will display our ants and more insects later this week.  Then we had Star of the Week. Sua shared her nice poster and took questions from the class.We had a short P.E. on the big yard before returning to finish up some science. We did the next page in our Sense Books related to taste. Only one more to go!  Then we packed up our things, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.

Be sure to check over your child's homework for the week. Our final at home project of the year is included. It is an Animal Report and Diorama project. Students need to pick a wild animal to research, write about, and create a diorama for. Instructions and a booklet for the writing portion is included with the homework.  Please see me if you have any questions. Projects are due Tuesday, May 20th.
