Tech Lab Tuesday

Our Tuesday was pretty easy and fun. We started the day with center rotations, completing a "B" phonics cut and paste in small groups. Half the class worked on "B" handwriting and "B" words, while the other half had secret centers around the room. The highlight of the day was after snack and recess, when we went to the Tech Lab with Mr. Riko. He showed the class how to play Rocket Typing Jr., which is one of the K games at  The class enjoyed searching for letters on the keyboard and turning them into fireworks. We reviewed our poem of the week, "Three Men in a Tub" before lunch and then ended the day by starting a new chapter in math on ordering and comparing numbers. The other big news for the day was that we got a new student, Steve. He had a great first day and we look forward to him being a part of room 2. That gives us 24 students now, 12 boys and 12 girls.
