Quick as a Cricket and Elmer the Elephant
We had a busy Thursday in Room 2. As usual, we began the day with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read "The Best Nest" and practiced the "short e" sound. At language arts rotations, students worked on matching "short e" words like pen and vet to pictures. We did a nice job! My groups read and created our own "Quick as a Cricket" book. We made similies comparing our traits to those of an animal. Then we illustrated the book. The other groups had the last secret center of this rotation. After recess, we had math. We worked on problem solving by using pictures and objects to help us count up to 10.
After lunch, we recited "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" and had science. We learned more about shadows by reading "Shadows Everywhere" and making our own shadows. We used a projector to use a light, an object to block the light, and a surface to make our own shadows. We also practiced making the shadows bigger and smaller by going closer or farther from the light. To conclude our lesson, we made a "Book of Shadows" where the shadows went from big to bigger to the biggest. For P.E., we played "Duck, Duck, Goose" and had some free recess. To end the day, we read "Elmer," a story about a very colorful patchwork elephant. After the story, students got a ruler and crayons to create their own colorful elephant. We will make more elephants tomorrow. Then we packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.
Don't forget to finish and check over homework packets tonight!
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