Brown Bear, Brown Bear

We had another hot day outside of Room 2. Fortunately, it was cool inside. We began our Thursday with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read "C is for Camel." At language arts rotations, students worked on more "C" phonics and words. My groups reviewed "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" and wrote our own mini-versions. They look great!  The other groups had their first secret center of this rotation. After recess, we had math. We reviewed Chapter 1 before introducing Chapter 2 on Numbers to Ten.

After lunch, we recited "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" and had art. We reviewed lines and used what we know to make a circus picture using different kinds of lines. We started with pencil, then used oil pastels to trace and color in objects. We stayed in for recess, watching a different "Harold" movie with Ms. Opos' class. When we got back, we finished our pictures by filling in the background with watercolors. They look very nice!  Then we packed up, reviewed homework, and lined up for home.

Don't forget to finish and check over homework packets so that they are ready to turn in tomorrow!
