Line Prints and a Fire Drill

We had a busy Thursday in Room 2. We began the day by collecting homework folders and having Nutrition outside.  After our morning activities, we read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" At language arts rotations, students worked on a shape match activity where they put correct shapes on a bus. My groups made mini "Brown Bear" books by writing and illustrating our own colorful animals into the story. The other groups had their last secret center of this rotation. We also were lucky to have Pierra's mom and Dominic's mom volunteer in our class today. Thank you! After recess, we had math. We worked on the concept of one more. We used cubes to illustrate one more and then identified objects that were one more than another.

After lunch, we recited "Three Men in a Tub" and had art. We made line prints! We did this by painting a solid rectangle out of black paint onto aluminum foil. Then we drew a pattern of lines with our finger. We put a half sheet of construction paper onto our lines and tapped it to stick. Finally, we carefully pulled the paper off, revealing the print.  They look very cool!  We will "frame" them next week. After clean up, we had recess on the kindergarten yard. Then we had a surprise. There was a fire drill!  We lined up and went out onto the yard like we had discussed. Then we sat down had a short assembly with Dr. Oh. When we got back, we finished our recess, got our Friday Folders, and packed up for home. To end the day, we sang "Wake Up Toes," played "Mr. Ricker Says," and passed out certificates for an all-green week.  Have a great weekend!

Remember that we have a FOUR day weekend. There is no school tomorrow (Admissions Day) or Monday (Labor Day). Enjoy your holiday and see you on Tuesday!
