Under the Weather...

As many of you probably noticed, I wasn't at school today. According to my doctor I caught a case of strep throat. I have been trying to recover since the weekend began. I plan on returning Wednesday if there are no complications.

As far as the students' day goes, I hope it went well. The plans I left for our sub included introducing the letter of the week "T" and working on handwriting. We also should have done the tactile page "Toothpicks on Ts on a Tomato" and read "My T Book." After snack and recess, we should have worked on building the numbers 8 and 9 in math. After lunch, we recited the poem "Polly Put the Kettle On" before reading a book about bears and then coloring, cutting, and assembling a moving brown bear. Joanna is our new Star of the Week, so she should have shared her poster next. To end the day, we had P.E. and a movie about animal habitats.

Be sure to look over the homework packets. There is a permission slip for our first field trip to the California Science Center and iMAX on February13th. Also, note that the Tuesday phonics work now includes writing at least two sentences on the back. Finally, remember that our 100 Day Book projects are due this Friday. Let's have a good week!
