The Little Red Hen

We had our last full day of kindergarten on Monday. We began the day by collecting Friday Folders for the last time, having Nutrition, and taking care of our morning activities. We also read "My Dad and Me." At language arts rotations, students wrote a friendly thank you letter to Mrs. Singh. My groups read Sam and Mat book #14 and worked on our Father's Day cards. The other groups got free choice centers. After recess, we had math. We reviewed time to the hour, half hour, quarter after, and quarter to.

After lunch, we read "The Little Red Hen" together. We also sequenced the story, putting the parts in order in a mini-book to finish tomorrow. After some free recess on the kindergarten, we went to the big yard and played a game of kickball. We will play again before our end of the year party on Wednesday. Then we packed up, passed out "Homework," and lined up for home. Let's have a great week!

Be sure to look over the Ricker Report for the week!  We have 12:35 minimum days on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our end of the year party will be this Wednesday at 11:30 in Room 2. On Thursday, please bring a large bag AND your backpack for our final clean up. Finally, we will pass out awards, prizes, and report cards on Friday.
