Light and Dark Colors

We had a fast Wednesday in Room 2.  We began the day with Nutrition and our morning activities. Next we read "The Life Cycle of a Chick." At language arts rotations, students wrote a friendly letter to Miss Rosie. My groups worked on a secret Father's Day project. The other groups had free choice centers. After recess, students chose their new carpet space for June. We also had math. We worked on matching digital and analog clocks to the hour and half hour. Keep practicing at home!

After lunch, we rehearsed for Friday's culmination. Then we had P.E. on the kindergarten yard. To end the day, we had art. We learned about light and dark colors. We used white paint to slowly lighten a color and black to slowly darken a color. The class liked mixing the paints!  Then we cleaned up, packed up, and lined up for home.
