A Day with Mr. Saenz

Today we had a day without Mr. Ricker. Mr. Saenz was our substitute. The plan for the morning was to have Nutrition and our morning activities. At language arts rotations, students wrote a friendly letter to Zuri, our Star of the Week. Mr. Saenz read Sam and Mat books #12 and #13 with his groups. The other groups had their last secret center of this rotation. After recess, we should have practiced telling time to the hour and half hour using our clocks.

After lunch, we planned to rehearse with Ms. Genut's and Mrs. Navarrette's classes for our date if the year culmination. For Star of the Week, Zuri shared some family pictures. After P.E. on the kindergarten yard, we made pictures than blend color and feelings using our favorite colors. To end the day, we planned on having Reading Buddies with Room 19. I hope it was a great day!
