The Thirteenth Week of Second Grade

We had a busy week of learning in Room 104. We finished our place value module in math, started wrapping up our non-fiction units in reading and writing,  and began studying history in Social Studies. Let's learn more!

Our ELA block of learning included a list of /e/ words, using short e /cvc/, long e /cvvc/ using both ee and ea in the Words Their Way spelling program. During Reader's Workshop, we read more non-fiction text and focused on comparing and contrasting topics in different books. We looked to see what was the same and different. At the end of the week, we read two books on the moon and compared them.  In Writer's Workshop, we started new non-fiction books using what we know to structure our topic into a book with an introduction, chapters of information, a conclusion, and text features. We will choose our best books next week to publish.  We began our cursive handwritng this week by trying i, t, u, w, and e. Students are getting the hang of the curves and flow. We will try to practice a letter a day. Help out at home if you can! We also practiced handwriting, accessed RAZ-KIDS, SeeSaw, and Lexia on our iPads, in small groups at W.I.N. time.

In Social Studies, we began a new unit on history. We learned what history is, and looked at examples of the past, present, and future. We also read "On This Spot" and "When I Was Young in the Mountains" to support the concept of history. In the next weeks, we hope to extend our study to our community, school, and family history. We also sent home History Project directions. Children may choose one of three options: a family tree, an oral history report, or a report on themselves in the past, present, and future. Good luck!  Projects are due Wednesday, December 11.

In Math, we finished Module Three on Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000.  We added 1, 10, or 100 more and tried subtracting 1, 10, or 100 less  before reviewing the module. We took the test on Wednesday and did very well. Thank you to those of you who did the review page at home. It helped! We start a new module on Foundations of Multiplication and Division next week.

We also sang songs and had Music with Ms. Brown, read, wrote, and discussed things we are thankful for in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero, checked out new books in the library with Mr. Withers, made art with Ms. Sundquist, and played more floor hockey in P.E. with Mr. Simatic.

Have a great weekend!  See you back in Room 104  on Monday!
