Curriculum Night!

Wednesday is Curriculum Night in Room 203. Parents, guardians, and families are all invited to visit our class from 6:00-6:45 P.M. to learn about what we will learn this year in kindergarten. I hope that you can attend!

As far as the students go, we had a good third day. We are getting better at unpacking and getting ready in the morning. We made choosing our lunch option easier with magnets, so we plan to continue that practice. We updated our calendar and read "Bear in a Square." Today we tried our first day of ELA workshop, where students work in small groups. The teacher-led group reviewed colors and good writing grip. The independent group worked on identifying shapes and using fine motor skills. The free choice group got to interact with peers using books, puzzles, or manipulatives. It went really well for a first try!  When we were done, we cleaned up and had snack and recess. To end our morning, we colored in the t-shirt portion of our self portrait.

After lunch, we read "On the Way to Kindergarten" and worked on cutting and putting together our self portraits. They look cool!  They are hanging on the wall now, so check them out tonight. We also got a visit from Mrs. Logan, who will be dropping by occasionally to teach lesson and help out. To end the day, we packed up, sang "Wake Up Toes," and lined up for home. See you again tomorrow!
