The Fifth Week of Second Grade
We had an eventful week in Room 104. We had picture day, a field trip, and wrapped up our unit in social studies. Let's learn more!
Our week began with spelling through the Words Their Way program and our morning meetings. We studied words with the short and long i in them, taking note of the silent e. Students have been sharing their "All About Me" posters each day. This week we learned about Ben P., Hayden, John, Ian, and Avery. During our ELA block, we focused more on retelling stories, vocabulary and tricky words, and character traits. We've been reading "Mercy Watson to the Rescue." We also read "The Most Magnificent Thing" on Thursday. In Writer's Workshop, we continue to craft paragraphs and stories. We are working hard to add details and add craft moves like our favorite authors. Phonics continues to involve vowels, snap words, and punctuation. We're getting more practice at W.I.N. time as well.
Afternoons included Social Studies, Math, and our specials each day. In Social Studies, we reviewed what we know about where we live, plus maps and globes. We also looked at different communities: urban, suburban, and rural. We used Google Earth to take a closer look at each community and identify what each one has in it. We wrapped up our unit with a quiz on Friday after our trip. In Math, we began Module Two on Measuring Length. We used centimeter cubes, rulers, and meter sticks to measure objects. We learned to identify the endpoint and be accurate in our measurement. We figured out when to use meters and centimeters, depending on the size of the object. We also got to visit Music with Ms. Brown, learn Spanish with Sra. Colmenero, check out books in the library with Mr. Withers, create some Art with Ms. Sundquist, and play games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. Fun!
We had Picture Day, too. We got our individual and class photographs, We went on our field trip to the Oak Park River Forest Museum on Friday. (Read more about that on a previous post.) Lastly, we said good-bye to our friend Mohammad. He is moving to a new home in a new city, and he will be missed! Best wishes!
Have a great weekend! See you back in Room 104 on Monday!
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